Rates, Policies, and Expectations–Scott Belleri Violin Studio

Private Lessons:

30 Minute Lesson: $35

45 Minute lesson: $52.50

60 Minute Lesson: $70

Suzuki Group Lessons:

$250 Per Term (3 Months)

Note: Group lesson enrollment is a requirement for Suzuki students. If my group lesson times do not work for your family, I have other options for group lesson times that I can refer you to.

Cancellation Policy:

Please notify me of any lessons you will be missing as soon as possible. Notify me more than 24 hours in advance to receive lesson credit or to receive a makeup lesson.

Expectations for Suzuki Families:

•Daily practice with your child is essential for success. Please find a consistent daily time that works for your family.

•Daily listening to the Suzuki recording of the student’s current book is expected. This one is easy—all you have to do is hit play! Passive listening (while eating, playing etc) is absolutely fine. Please decide on a regular time to do this.

•Weekly attendance of group lesson is required. If my group lesson times do not work for your family, I have other options for group lesson times that I can refer you to. More advanced students have the option of joining MYS, PYP or other youth orchestra.

•Participation in periodic recitals is Expected. It is an opportunity for students to share and celebrate their progress in a supportive environment.

•Please bring a notebook to the private lesson.

•Please plan to arrive to your lesson five minutes early, and get the instrument ready while the previous student is finishing up their lesson.